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The San Lorenzo Valley Post is your essential guide to life in the Santa Cruz Mountains. We're dedicated to delivering the latest news, events, and stories that matter to our community. From local government to schools, from environmental issues to the arts, we're committed to providing comprehensive and unbiased coverage. We believe in the power of community journalism and strive to be a platform for diverse voices.

Loch Lomond Felton California Santa Cruz Mountains Local News Water 

Understanding Regional Water Resource Management Challenges

By Mark Dolson In my September column, “A Perspective on the SLV Water District and the SLV,” I wrote about three distinct arenas in which we need the San Lorenzo Valley Water District (SLVWD) to function effectively: (1) routine business operations, (2) regional water resource management, and (3) community engagement and support. This month I want to dive deeper into… Read More
Amah Mutsun San Vicente Redwoods Fire Recovery Photography 

Amah Mutsun Tribal Band and the San Vicente Redwoods Preserve

A portion of the public trail system at the San Vicente Redwoods Preserve opened on December 3. The Preserve is a collaborative effort between a dedicated network of land preservation groups and the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band — also called “Ohlone” — whose ancestors were the original inhabitants. According to the Amah Mutsun Land Trust, “All lineages comprising the ‘Amah… Read More
Boulder Creek Brewery Business 

Boulder Creek Brewery Update

Owner Joe Wolff has convened an unofficial group of trades advisors to offer suggestions for renovations to the Boulder Creek Brewery building. Obstacles to overcome include downtown septic challenges and resolution of outstanding permitting issues. Wolff purchased the property last year. Read Julie Horner’s account from December 2021 at slvpost.com/a-new-boulder-creek-brewery. Pictured above Wolff and a group of supporters survey the… Read More
Catie Cadge Astrology Reading December 2022 Astrology Columns 

December Astrology: Holiday Love and Celestial Magic

By Catie Cadge, PhD Holiday love and celestial magic is upon us! December opens with mystical and visionary Neptune stationing direct at 22°39’ Pisces on the 3rd. Both Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune and also Jupiter early in the month. Our intuition and imagination are powerful and we want to share our visions for the future with others.… Read More
Valley Churches United MIssions Community Local News 

Memorial Golf Tournament Raises Funds for Valley Churches

By Julie Horner The Boulder Creek Men’s Club remembered club president and community activist Dan Kelly with a fundraiser acknowledging Kelly’s charitable contributions to the San Lorenzo Valley. The “Friends of Dan Kelly Golf Tournament” was held at the DeLaveaga Golf Course in Santa Cruz on October 1st, 2022. In keeping with Kelly’s legacy, all proceeds from the event were… Read More
san lorenzo river photo by maryandersen.net Infrastructure Local News Water 

Potty Talk – A Story about San Lorenzo Valley’s Waste Management

By Jayme Ackemann Rural, small town life in the midst of the sprawling, busy Bay Area has always been part of San Lorenzo Valley’s charm. Every new acquaintance is a friend of a friend, once removed. If our kids don’t already know each other by the end of 5th grade, they are practically guaranteed to meet in Middle School. But… Read More