Measure U water rate intiative Commentary Local News Opinion Water 

Commentary: Measure U: The Story of Our Water Rate Initiative

By Deb Loewen These columns are filled with various opinions about aspects of our SLV water district, but a valuable district asset often overlooked and unheard of is us, the customers. I’d like to talk about our extraordinary community, finding common ground, and the power of grassroots democracy through the story of our work on a citizens’ initiative. The seed… Read More
Brian Frus San Lorenzo Valley Water District Local News Water 

San Lorenzo Valley Water District Interim Manager Resigns

In a statement released Wednesday, August 28, 2024 the San Lorenzo Valley Water District announced that the SLVWD Board has accepted the resignation of Interim District General Manager, Brian Frus. The Felton resident and registered civil engineer was appointed as Interim General Manager in November 2023 after longtime GM Rick Rogers retired. Frus’ role included overseeing repair to infrastructure impacted by the… Read More
water district rate increase Commentary Election 2024 Infrastructure Local News Water 

SLV Voters Face a Water District Rate Initiative this Fall

By Jayme Ackemann The voters of San Lorenzo Valley face a crucial decision in the November election: do they want a reliable water system that delivers fresh, safe water every time they turn on their taps, or do they risk ending up with inconsistent and unreliable service like their neighbors in Big Basin? A small group of residents is opposing… Read More
Infrastructure Local News Water 

San Lorenzo Valley Water District Tank Replacement

The San Lorenzo Valley Water District (SLVWD) announced on June 2, 2024 that it will be replacing 12 water storage tanks in several locations in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Among them, the Redwood Park Tank, Echo Tanks, Highland Tank, Felton Heights Tank, and South Tanks. The work replaces old leaky redwood construction and plastic tanks damaged by the CZU fire… Read More
blue water Commentary Local News Water 

Knowing Where your Water Rates Go is Valuable

By Bob Fultz I’d like to talk about a recent Facebook post by the San Lorenzo Valley Water District.  I’m a member of the SLVWD Board of Directors but am speaking only for myself.   I’ve advocated for years that the District needs to communicate its true financial position as part of an overall communications plan.  Recently, the District published a… Read More
water Local News Water 

The SLV Water District Rate Hike: What Happened and Why?

By Jim Mosher Many ratepayers are upset with the steep increase in rates recently adopted by our SLV Water District. Concerned that the new rates have an out-sized impact on low-water-use ratepayers, a group is gathering signatures to qualify a “Fixed Charge Limitation Ordinance” for the November ballot that would limit the District’s ability to raise fixed charges. As a… Read More
Infrastructure Local News Water 

Update: Boulder Creek Water Main Break

The San Lorenzo Valley Water District is working on multiple water main joint failures in downtown Boulder Creek. According to Garrett, a supervisor on site, the initial break occurred at Highway 9 and Lomond Street, near the SLVWD facilities. Garrett said, “It’s an emergency because the water is off.” Approximately 191 customers in Boulder Creek are affected in the following… Read More