Photography: Julianne Bonnet

Photography: Julianne Bonnet

Julianne Bonnet is a writer, photographer, soap maker, and digital artist who draws inspiration from nature and concepts of emotional healing. She holds an MFA in English and Creative Writing from Mills College as well as a credential to teach college composition. 

A little bird perched at Gray Whale Ranch surveys the long meadow.

She can often be found wandering the hiking trails of Santa Cruz County with her camera slung across her back looking “micro” for breathtaking moments of quiet discovery. While her photographs almost never have people in them, her photographic art composites are one hundred percent people-centered and were shown in this year’s Open Studios Santa Cruz County.

Julianne grew up in Canada, New York, and Palo Alto, but was never home until she moved to five acres in beautiful Ben Lomond where she lives with her goats, chickens, ducks, and dogs as well as her human family.

Three bees on a thistle at Quail Hollow Ranch Park in Felton

Julianne will be giving a presentation at the Pajaro Arts Art Salon on Wednesday, December 7th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.

You can follow most of Julianne’s endeavors at Visit her website at

Featured photo: Pelicans at Waddell Beach in Davenport

About The Author

Mary Andersen

Mary Andersen is a writer and photographer. She documents politics and culture and enjoys writing about the people and happenings of the Santa Cruz Mountains.


  1. Dyane Harwood

    Julianne is such a gifted, utterly original artist!!!


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