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The San Lorenzo Valley Post is your essential guide to life in the Santa Cruz Mountains. We're dedicated to delivering the latest news, events, and stories that matter to our community. From local government to schools, from environmental issues to the arts, we're committed to providing comprehensive and unbiased coverage. We believe in the power of community journalism and strive to be a platform for diverse voices.

Flying A Boxers Fountain 1940 Columns Local History 

Filling Stations in Ben Lomond | Local History

By Ronnie Trubek Gasoline powered automobiles became popular in the 1920s as motorists enjoyed a new sense of mobility and adventure. In the early days, travel required careful planning, and gassing up was always a priority. Initially, gasoline had to be obtained at “bulk depots” where fuel was provided in cans or other containers. Later, a horse-drawn wagon loaded up… Read More
Western States Automic Vault Columns History Local History 

A Mid-Century “Atomic” Vault in the Santa Cruz Mountains

By Ronnie Trubek In 1953, the Zayante Southern Pacific Railroad tunnel was purchased by the Western States Atomic Vault Corporation, touted for use as a storage place for vital documents and other priceless valuables in case of nuclear attacks. The Southern Pacific train route that ran through the tunnel had been abandoned since November 1940. But, the Zayante tunnel remained… Read More
Supervisor Bruce McPherson Commentary Government Local News 

Bruce McPherson Reflects on Three Terms as 5th District Supervisor

Moving into the final month of a 12-year tenure as your Fifth District Supervisor, I can’t help but reflect on the many good things our community has accomplished – as well as the many hardships we have endured – all by working together. This District, and really the whole of Santa Cruz County, looks much different than it did when… Read More
Mary Hammer Local News Obituaries 

Mary Hammer 

Contributed by Mountain Community Resources  We at Mountain Community Resources, along with the entire Community Bridges family, are deeply saddened by the passing of Mary Hammer, a steadfast community activist and pivotal founder of Mountain Community Resources, originally known as the Valley Resource Center. On Thursday, November 6, 2024, Mary passed away after a brief illness, leaving behind a profound… Read More