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The San Lorenzo Valley Post is your essential guide to life in the Santa Cruz Mountains. We're dedicated to delivering the latest news, events, and stories that matter to our community. From local government to schools, from environmental issues to the arts, we're committed to providing comprehensive and unbiased coverage. We believe in the power of community journalism and strive to be a platform for diverse voices.

Open for business in the san lorenzo valley Business Columns 

Business Opportunities and Predictions for 2021

By Chris Miller When you combine this past year’s unprecedented experiences with 15+ years as CEO, customer and partner interactions, countless technical training and certifications, and reading any technical trend article and email I can get my hands on, you might have a pretty solid understanding of which technologies and strategies to make a priority for your optimal business success.… Read More
Big Basin Redwoods State Park Columnists Fire Recovery Local News 

Big Basin: Time to Heal

Ranger Scott Sipes Shares an Update About Big Basin State Park By Julie Horner Log trucks have been moving charred hazard trees out of Big Basin Redwoods State Park in massive convoys. According to Supervising Ranger Scott Sipes, hazard tree removal in the park has been carried out by CalTrans contractors working in collaboration with park foresters and environmental scientists… Read More
Off the Lip Creator Neil Pearlberg works at the Boardroom. Photo by George T. Zafares Columnists Entertainment Music 

Livestream Revolution: Neil Pearlberg Hosts Music in the Streets

The name of the show rolled right off Pearlberg’s tongue: “Off the Lip.” The term is used by surfers and skateboarders alike. The skateboarding trick involves balancing the back truck of the skateboard over the edge of the ramp, or “the lip;” surfers pivot their boards off the powerful top part of a breaking wave, also called “the lip,” and... Read More
Santa Margarita Groundwater Agency Local News Water 

Commentary: Santa Margarita Groundwater Agency

By Bob Fultz Hopefully everyone in the San Lorenzo Valley Water District (SLVWD) has heard of the Santa Margarita Groundwater Agency (SMGA). But, if not, I hope this will be a good start since there are critical decisions coming soon that will impact both our environment and our pocketbooks. I’m speaking for myself in this article—I’m not speaking on behalf of the… Read More
Miguel Zafra photographer Photography 

Photography: Miguel Zafra

Miguel Zafra is an Indigenous photographer from Oaxaca, Mexico, who moved to the San Lorenzo Valley 20 years ago. He documents people and nature with a charged mixture of fine art photography and photojournalism. More recently he has focused his lens on the natural wonders of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Zafra has worked as an independent photojournalist for local publications. His photographs… Read More
Santa Cruz Mountains CZU Lightning Complex Fire Column: Antonia Bradford Fire Recovery Local News 

Legislation Impacting Fire Survivors

By Antonia Bradford There are two proposed pieces of legislation pending that could have a major impact on fire survivors and rural residents and potentially could risk some of our chances of rebuilding: the proposed California Board of Forestry Fire Safe Regulations and Senate Bill 55. I include text to both documents below, as well as summaries from the Rural… Read More
SLV Steve Local News Weather 

Storm Watch: Rain Continues, Crews Assessing

Good news in the Santa Cruz Mountains this morning – while rain thresholds met or exceeded in some cases – no initial reports of debris flows. Fire and PGE crews are out inspecting damages. Many reports of trees and large branches in San Lorenzo Valley roadways, so take it slow out there. Visit cruz511.org and sccroadclosure.org for traffic info. Rain to return this evening… Read More

SLVWD Board Memo from Rick Rogers and District Counsel

MEMOTo: Board of DirectorsFrom: District Manager and District CounselSubject: Exploration of Possible Consolidation, Board Meeting Agenda Item 11.aDate: February 4, 2021 SUMMARY:Staff from Scotts Valley Water District (“SVWD”) and San Lorenzo Valley Water District (“SLVWD”) meetregularly to discuss issues of mutual concern and find ways to enhance the efficiency of both agencies.In recent meetings, staff of SVWD suggested there may… Read More