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The San Lorenzo Valley Post is your essential guide to life in the Santa Cruz Mountains. We're dedicated to delivering the latest news, events, and stories that matter to our community. From local government to schools, from environmental issues to the arts, we're committed to providing comprehensive and unbiased coverage. We believe in the power of community journalism and strive to be a platform for diverse voices.

Cabrillo College Aptos Election 

November 8 Election: Cabrillo College Trustee Candidates

Cabrillo Community College Governing Board Member, Trustee The Governing Board’s focus for the 2022-2023 school year includes increasing diverse enrollment, addressing equity gaps, offering various training programs related to the regional labor market, developing student housing, and increasing funding. The board will also continue the process of a potential name change for the college in response to widespread student and… Read More
San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District Election 

November 8 Election: San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District Candidates

The San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District Governing Board is responsible for overseeing the district’s finances, setting policy, and hiring the superintendent. Currently, one of the district’s pressing challenges is academic recovery after two years of pandemic protocols. Trustees are elected to four-year terms. Two trustees, Mark Becker in Area 2 and Stacy Newsom Kerr in Area 1, were appointed… Read More
Bear Creek recreation Boulder Creek Election Local News 

Measure T: Boulder Creek Rec Parcel Tax Measure

Boulder Creek and Brookdale residents served by the Boulder Creek Recreation and Parks District will be voting on a parcel tax measure on the November ballot. The synopsis of the measure reads: To improve and build large capital and infrastructure projects, improve safety and enhance our aged buildings and parks, build new public and ADA accessible restrooms, replace ailing infrastructure… Read More

Downtown Boulder Creek Launches Bench Adoption Program

By Julie Horner Members of the BCBA, a representative from 5th District Supervisor Bruce McPherson’s office, and community advocates met in front of Scarborough Lumber at Boulder Creek Hardware on Wednesday morning, September 21, 2022 to celebrate Boulder Creek’s first permanently installed bench in the downtown district. The bench was assembled and anchored into concrete by Jordan Booth and Kevin… Read More
fire not the people book Books Local News 

Boulder Creek Community: A United Voice

By Taylor Kimble As the world struggled with COVID-19 and its various complications, the Santa Cruz Mountains faced yet another life-threatening obstacle in August 2020: the CZU Lightning Complex Fire. The fire forced mountain residents to evacuate their homes and scatter to all corners of the country. In the wake of displacement, fear, and uncertainty, Jo Romaniello, a marriage and… Read More
marin iris douglasiana Column: Josh Reilly Columns Gardening 

September Garden: Digging and Dividing

By Josh Reilly Time seems to slow down slightly in August. It’s too hot to do anything but water. But then September arrives, and suddenly there is almost too much to do. Time to plant your Fall garden — broccoli, cabbage, leafy greens, carrots, potatoes, onions, and late Summer/Fall flowers. Time to divide perennials and grasses. Time, also, to enjoy… Read More