Santa Cruz County septic regulations LAMP Column: MC Dwyer Local News Real Estate 

Supervisors Amend Septic Regulations

By M.C. Dwyer Last month I discussed the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors’ (BOS) intent to pass potentially disastrous point-of-sale (POS) septic regulations as part of their answer to the state-mandated Local Area Management Plan (LAMP) for septic systems. The BOS’s plan as written was poised to add more pain and suffering to the CZU fire-damaged property owners who… Read More
Local Agency Management Program (LAMP) Column: MC Dwyer Local News Real Estate 

Question Authority: County’s Local Agency Management Program Impacts Homeowners

By M.C. Dwyer Did you know that, on August 23, our elected Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors (BOS) adopted a Local Agency Management Plan (LAMP) to completely change the way our septic systems can operate? This cleared the way for the BOS to simply vote approval on September 13…which could have resulted in insufficiently developed regulations being implemented starting… Read More
Column: MC Dwyer Columns Real Estate 

Pandemic Fueled Housing Market Frenzy Recedes

By M.C. Dwyer For the past few years, home sellers drove the market. Many homes sold for profitable premiums, leaving home buyers frustrated and battered by competition. In just the past few months, the pendulum is swinging back towards the center due to rapid economic changes: higher inflation and mortgage rates, and recession concerns. After the cost of home ownership… Read More
downtown felton california Column: MC Dwyer Columns Real Estate 

Commercial Property Snapshot

By MC Dwyer Commercial real estate is heating up along with seasonally rising spring temperatures.  In Felton, an iconic downtown ½+ acre parcel featuring +/- 7,000 square feet of mixed use residential and retail buildings at 6245 Highway 9 just listed for $1,995,000.   Boulder Creek  Curious about the mixed use commercial / residential project still under construction along Highway 9,… Read More