Local News Photography 

Fallout Continues After Moss Landing Battery Fire

Sarah Williams of Sarah Star Photography captured this haunting view of the recent lithium battery fire — called the world’s largest — which ignited at Vistra Energy Corporation in Moss Landing on Thursday, January 16, 2025. The image shows the Santa Cruz Breakwater (Walton) Lighthouse at the Santa Cruz Small Craft Harbor with the fire approximately 23 miles in the distance across Monterey Bay.

Today research scientists at San José State University’s Moss Landing Marine Laboratories reported that they have detected unusually high concentrations of heavy metal nanoparticles near the site. Samples of the air taken while the fire was burning by The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Monterey Bay Air Resources District (MBARD) indicated there was no threat to human health. County of Monterey Supervisor Glenn Church said of today’s findings, “These are very disturbing numbers. We’re in uncharted territory.” Residents reported a metallic taste in the mouth, burning eyes, burning throat, and yellow residue covering outdoor surfaces. The storage facility is located near Elkhorn Slough Reserve, sensitive wetlands where native species like the endangered sea otter live.

While the fire is reported to be out, heat pockets persist. 80% of the storage facility and its contents were destroyed. The County of Monterey Emergency, Readiness, Response, and Recovery website contains information about the ongoing emergency situation: alertmry.org/MossLandingFire

Featured image by Sarah Williams of Sarah Star Photography.


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Julie Horner is Co-Founder and Editor for the San Lorenzo Valley Post. Julie lives and works in Boulder Creek and is an active participant in the county's vibrant music scene. She loves the outdoors and is the go-to expert on Santa Cruz Mountains hiking trails.

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