San Lorenzo Valley storm recovery Government Local News 

Storm Recovery and Big Basin Water Meetings | Supervisor Bruce McPherson Updates

By Supervisor Bruce McPherson Severe storms that have pelted Santa Cruz County for the last three months have caused a great deal of damage to public and private property, resulting in prolonged power outages and difficulty traveling throughout the San Lorenzo Valley. I invite you to a joint SLV Town Hall with Congressman Jimmy Panetta from 6-7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April… Read More
Column: Antonia Bradford Fire Recovery Government Local News 

Fire Sprinkler Code is the New Geology for Fire Victims

By Antonia Bradford It is no secret that the path to recovery for the fire families of the 2020 CZU Lightning Complex event has been difficult, expensive, and painful. The battles with the County of Santa Cruz regarding geology and septic have been well documented in the press with Board of Supervisors meetings packed and intense with public outcry. Through… Read More
County of Santa Cruz Commentary Government Local News 

Why are So Many Frustrated with Local Government?

By Jayme Ackemann Stay with me. I promise to end this on a hopeful note. You probably overheard similar sentiments at holiday parties and family gatherings this past year – people groaning at any mention of Congress or scoffing at the ineptitude of local policy makers. Apathy is an adversary that we will need to expel in 2022 – there… Read More
County of Santa Cruz governmental building Government Local News 

County Urges Those with Mild COVID and Non-Serious Illness to Avoid Emergency Rooms

In light of a current 121% surge in coronavirus cases in Santa Cruz County, public health officials are requesting that residents with mild cases of COVID and non-serious seasonal illnesses avoid overburdening local hospital emergency rooms. A statement released on January 5 states, “Most individuals who contract COVID-19 do not need to visit the hospital’s emergency department and can effectively… Read More
Santa County five supervisorial districts Government Local News 

Redistricting Could Affect San Lorenzo Valley Voters

By Jayme Ackemann Santa Cruz County is going through a redistricting process. Is anyone paying attention? If you check out the scant feedback the county has already received you will notice one thing: Three of the five comments submitted, as of this writing, are from Scotts Valley residents interested in moving out of District One and into District Five, San… Read More

Board of Forestry and Fire Protection Remote Workshop Notice and Announcement

WORKSHOP ANNOUNCEMENT The Board of Forestry and Fire Protection (Board) conducted a workshop to discuss issues related to the 2021 update to the Fire Safe Regulations (14 CCR § 1270 et seq) on December 22, 2020. The workshop conducted an in-depth review of the proposed changes to the Fire Safe Regulations and solicited input from Board members, the public, and… Read More