Wisteria Arbor pathway Column: Josh Reilly Columns Gardening 

Spring Gardening: Arbors and Trellises

By Josh Reilly “Arbors and Trellises” sounds like the title of a 70s soft-rock album, brimming with meaning. A reference to lofty, light weight, airy structures, often geometric and angular in form, but built to provide living space for winding, cascading plants, all curves and knots, billows and waves, tendrils and holdfasts. Things that prefer to live up in the breeze.… Read More
H Orientalis Lenten Roses Ben Lomond Column: Josh Reilly Columns Gardening 

A March Garden

by Josh Reilly In February, a gardener’s anticipation borders on intolerable. Especially in those parts of the SLV subject to frost. A lot of what we see growing happily in Santa Cruz, right now, undamaged by frost, is under threat here. Alas, many winter-flowering plants are a lost cause here, with a few very worthwhile exceptions (see below). Flower buds… Read More
February Gardeing Columns Gardening 

February in the Garden

By Marielle Martin Gardening in the beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains means contending with a variety of microclimates and conditions. We have forested mountainous terrain offering sunlight challenges, a marine influence, and a range of soil types. Fortunately, our temperate climate makes for a longer gardening season and a variety of plants thrive here. In general, our frost-free season begins the… Read More
Winter gardening pruning apple trees Column: Josh Reilly Columns Gardening 

Ben Lomond Gardener: Nip and Tuck for the New Year

On December 21, the Winter Solstice, we rounded the corner at the wintery end of the year’s ellipse. After this most sacred of all garden holy days, the hours of sunlight begin to increase again, as the Northern Hemisphere starts tilting back towards the sun. Meanwhile, the winter garden is a cool, calm, relaxing place. The bones (roots, branches and... Read More
Fall Garden San Lorenzo Valley Columns Gardening 

The Valley Gardener: Digging Deep into Autumn

By Marielle Martin As fall folds toward winter it’s time to get into the garden and prepare for new weather. We’re lucky here in the Santa Cruz Mountains, blessed with a mild autumn favorable to working outside. Aside from our evergreens, colder temps lay much in the garden bare, exposing the bones or architecture of our outdoor spaces. Those bones… Read More