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The San Lorenzo Valley Post is your essential guide to life in the Santa Cruz Mountains. We're dedicated to delivering the latest news, events, and stories that matter to our community. From local government to schools, from environmental issues to the arts, we're committed to providing comprehensive and unbiased coverage. We believe in the power of community journalism and strive to be a platform for diverse voices.

Melani Clark Roaring Camp Railroads Business Infrastructure Local News Tourism 

Dispelling the Myths Around the Roaring Camp-RTC Debate

By Jayme Ackemann Earlier this year, Roaring Camp launched an aggressive campaign to defend its right to operate freight on the Felton Branch Line that connects to the line owned by the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (RTC). The campaign came in response to RTC’s move to consider requesting the forced abandonment of freight operations, initially on the Felton… Read More
San Lorenzo Valley Charter Schools Education Local News 

Charter School Information Nights with SLVUSD

The San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District announces its Charter Information Nights. Parents who wish to learn about all programs within the Charter program for grades K through 12, can attend theAll Homeschool-Hybrid Programs Information Night on March 8, 2022, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. Arrive at earlier at 5:00 pm to tour the campus. Nature Academy’s Information Night for… Read More
Dark Chocolate Column Alison Steele Columns Food & Drink 

Valentine’s Treat: Dark Chocolate Canvases

By Alison Steele When I peek into the pantry, I try to imagine ways to use the stockpiles of dried fruits, jams, chutneys, and other delicacies preserved from summer’s bounty. The dried fruits seem to disappear first as they need no enticing off the pantry shelves. These little works of art require no fork or plate and instantly satiate the… Read More
Column: Josh Reilly Columns Gardening 

Love Never Fades in February’s Garden

By Josh Reilly February, the month of love and of Saint Valentine. We know little of Valentine, except that he lived in the 2nd century CE and lost his head after insisting on performing Christian rites in then pagan Rome. For his trouble (and accounts are gruesome), he was sainted about 300 years later, possibly on February 14. Valentine’s story… Read More