wildfire resource guideFire Resource 

Wildfire Season Resources

Wildfire season is upon us and fires are up 9%. Cal Fire reports that “acres burned have skyrocketed by 1,462% (from 5,747 to 89,784 acres) compared to the same period last year (Jan 1 – Jun 19). 95% of these wildfires are human-caused, fueled by dry grasses and strong winds.”

The SLV Post has assembeled resources on tracking current wildfires to understanding fire risk zones to assembling an emergency kit to help you navigate you the essential steps to protect you and your property.

Fire Monitoring

Cal Fire real-time incidents
California Wildfire Map Tracker
National Interagency Fire Center statistics
Lightning Map

Air Quality

AirNow air quality locator map
AirNow fire and smoke Map
Monterey Bay Air Resources DIstrict air quality and forecast
NOAA smoke map
PurpleAir network of community based sensors that measure particulate matter

Wildfire Prevention

Cal Fire’s Wildfire Prevention page
Cal Fire’s Wildfire Planner

Tips to Prevent Wildfires

Don’t mow after 10 a.m.
Don’t allow vehicle tow chains to drag.
Don’t pull your vehicle into dry grass.
One less spark is one less wildfire.


Have a resource to add to this list? Email us!

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