SLV wildfire mitigation Government Local News Water 

SLV Water District Letter to PG&E Regarding Wildfire Mitigation

On May 7, 2020, the Board of Directors, staff, and members of the public of the San Lorenzo Valley Water District wrote a letter to Pacific Gas & Electric stating their concerns regarding PG& E’s Wildfire Mitigation Plan. Read PG&E’s Wildfire Mitigation Plan: The content of the SLV Water District letter reads as follows: The San Lorenzo Valley Water… Read More
Local News Water 

Active Slide Hampers Access to SLVWD Lyon Surface Water Treatment Plant

By Julie Horner It started about three weeks ago as a 6-inch crack. An employee noticed and said, “There’s a crack forming over there…better put some cold-patch on it.” The Lyon Surface Water Treatment Plant and its 3-million gallon welded steel holding tank, located at the top of a narrow, gated SLVWD access road about a mile from downtown Boulder… Read More