home hardening Column: MC Dwyer Columns Fire Recovery Real Estate 

SLV Homes: Defensible Space and Home Hardening

By M.C. Dwyer Given the one year anniversary of the CZU Lightning Complex Fire, here’s a summary of the Santa Cruz Association of Realtors Fire Safety and Prevention Panel, presented by Mark Bingham, Boulder Creek Fire Chief; Mike Ayers, Ben Lomond Assistant Chief; Mike DeMars, Fire Marshall Central Fire District; and Greg Vandervoort, Fire Prevention Captain at Scotts Valley Fire… Read More
Classic VW bus after the CZU fire Column: MC Dwyer Columns Real Estate 

Real Estate: Home Is Where the Heart Is

SLV Homes By M.C. Dwyer Life events are often the motivating factor behind people’s decision to move, and emotions usually play a big role in the decision-making process. In addition to managing all the rational details of a home purchase or sale, it’s important that people be assured when they’re outside of their comfort zone – learning about new neighborhoods,… Read More
Real Estate News San Lorenzo Valley Santa Cruz Mountains Column: MC Dwyer Columns Real Estate 

Real Estate: Moving into Recovery

Market Review: 3rd Quarter 2020 By M.C. Dwyer Average home prices rose again across our region during the third quarter (July 1st to September 30th). Several communities recorded all-time highs, including Boulder Creek, Felton, and the City of Santa Cruz. There simply aren’t enough homes for sale compared to the number of people who want to buy. Fueled by historically… Read More