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San Lorenzo Valley Cookie Project Delivers a Little Joy

Holiday cookie baking project brings joy to those in need. Ryan Okrant and Valley Churches team up to deliver care packages in the Santa Cruz Mountains.

By Ryan Okrant

My mother and her friends began the original Cookie Project in the late 80s in conjunction with Valley Churches United (VCU). Volunteers baked all kinds of cookies then gathered together to assemble them in variety packs and deliver them to VCU to be distributed with their holiday meals to those who are less fortunate in the San Lorenzo Valley.

Fast forward to 2019. I was living in Palm Beach County, Florida and initiated a Cookie Project in conjunction with Santa Day put on by The Soup Kitchen of Boynton Beach. We were able to pack 9,500 cookies that year and gave them out to approximately 1000 children as well as seniors, homeless, front line personnel working on Christmas and more. The Soup Kitchen in Florida has continued the tradition and is hosting their 5th annual Cookie Project this year!

In 2021 I hosted a Cookie Project in conjunction with Community Food Bank of San Benito County. We had a friendly competition with The Soup Kitchen of Boynton Beach. Combined, the two counties donated nearly 24,000 cookies to those in need!

Bags decorated by local school kids are packed with cookies to deliver to those in need.

I am now back home in the San Lorenzo Valley and for the 2023 holiday season I am working with Valley Churches United to once again host the Cookie Project where it all began decades ago. Friday December 8th our community donated nearly 100 dozen cookies, which we packed into 116 variety packs. 80 packs were left with VCU for distribution on December 9th, 24 packs went to individuals all around downtown Santa Cruz, 8 packs went to the Veterans Village in Ben Lomond and 4 packs went to individuals in Boulder Creek who were registered for food distribution with VCU.

13 dozen chocolate toffee bars baked by Okrant are ready for packing by the Cookie Project team.

We will be receiving cookies again for another distribution by VCU next week on Thursday. If you want to bake some cookies too, please drop them off any day between now and Wednesday from 9-4, or Thursday from 9-1. Please do not bake with nuts.

We will be packing the cookies starting at 1pm on Thursday, December 14th. Stop by and help spread some joy while packing cookies with our other volunteers.

Project contributor Julie Carlson said, “Thank you for organizing this wonderful way to give to the community! I bake every year for my whole street! It’s such a fun way to give back!”

Happy Holidays!!


Valley Churches United, 9400 HWY 9 Ben Lomond
(831) 336-8258

Featured Photo l to r: Merry Nail, Ryan Okrant, Mary Ann Hinckle, Lynn Robinson, Linda Meyer, Therese Robertello at Valley Churches United packing cookies for the SLV Cookie Project.

Ryan Okrant lives in Boulder Creek and founded ASSERT worldwide animal rescue. Read more about Ryan:

Julie Horner is Co-Founder and Editor for the San Lorenzo Valley Post. Julie lives and works in Boulder Creek and is an active participant in the county's vibrant music scene. She loves the outdoors and is the go-to expert on Santa Cruz Mountains hiking trails.

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