Cranberry Pistachio Dark Chocolate Bark Columns Food & Drink 

Cranberry Pistachio Dark Chocolate Bark

By Robin Horn It’s Bark!! And according to Kaiser, my health care provider, it’s “food for health.” They’re the experts, right? They offered a version of this healthy-ish treat on their website recently. I tweaked the recipe, by simplifying the process and upping the proportion of chocolate. While it’s not entirely keto-friendly, it is vegan and gluten-free. So it’s a… Read More
Fermentation history and science Columns Food & Drink 

Fermentation: A Brief History and a Little Science

By Tom Andersen A Brief History By many accounts, fermentation was “discovered” about 12,000 years ago with the natural fermentation of dairy products in the sweltering heat of North Africa. A few thousand years later, the Chinese were fermenting rice and honey and in a couple thousand more years, Egyptians were turning out some fine loaves of sourdough bread and… Read More
Butternut Squash Sage Soup Columns Food & Drink 

Butternut Sage Soup

By Robin Horn Several years ago, I attended a music workshop in chilly (to Californians) Whidbey Island, WA. Not only did Ruzivo — a traditional Zimbabwean and contemporary Afropop ensemble — teach us three songs for 8-piece marimba ensembles in less than 48 hours, each band member was also responsible for feeding us a delicious meal. This warming soup hit… Read More
kefir Columns Columns: Tom Andersen Food & Drink 

From Ancient Origins to Your Kitchen: The Fascinating History of Kefir and a Simple Recipe to Make Your Own

By Tom Andersen Kefir is an ancient fermented tangy dairy drink. Evidence of kefir cultures have been found that were 4000 years old. It is said to have been a gift from the prophet Mohammad himself; can’t go wrong with that. There is an area at the bottom of Russia above the country of Georgia called the Caucasus where Turkey… Read More
Cultured Cream Cheescake with Wild Blueberries & Thyme Column Alison Steele Columns Food & Drink 

Cultured Cream Cheescake with Wild Blueberries & Thyme

By Alison Steele Waking up in Virginia after a long day of traveling from California to the mountain south, before breakfast, before banjo, I am outside on the front porch with the sunrise. Early morning birdsong is the most heartswelling sound I have ever heard, like an old hymn from my childhood reassuring me that all is well with my… Read More