Watercolor Artist Terry Haugen
Boulder Creek watercolor artist Terry Haugen has created a series of paintings of the historic buildings lining Central Avenue in downtown Boulder Creek; she has completed 14 paintings so far. The exhibit, “A Moment in Time on Hwy 9” is on display in the Community Room at the Boulder Creek Branch Library during business hours through November 2022. “My inspiration came from concern during the CZU fire, that our town might burn,” Haugen said. “I wanted to preserve the historic buildings by creating these paintings.”
Haugen also won the contest to be featured on the 2022 cover of the San Lorenzo Valley Business Directory with her painting titled San Lorenzo Valley Light.

Prints of the art on display at the Boulder Creek Library are available by contacting the artist: thwatercolors6@gmail.com | 13390 W Park Ave, Boulder Creek.
Central Avenue Salon in Downtown Boulder Creek
Air & Fire Boulder Creek’s Mystical Bazaar
Boulder Creek Antiques at Mac’s Place
Featured photo: Terry Haugen Boulder Creek watercolor artist with her painting of “Mac’s 100 Year Old Place,” one of the iconic historic buildings lining the main street. Photo by Julie Horner
Julie Horner writes about art, music, and culture in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Reach out to Julie at leap2three@gmail.com.
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