Scott PedenObituaries 

San Lorenzo Valley bids farewell to Scott Peden

By Matt Harris

I first met Scott – it was 20-plus years ago – at the Loch Lomond Highland Games. He was playing his bagpipes and I had stopped to listen. Once he was done, I approached to ask him about his playing. We hit it off right away and pretty much spoke for three hours straight! I could tell from the start that Scott was an incredibly intelligent man with a passion for all things Celtic. If I had a question of anything remotely to do with the British Isles, Scott knew the answer. His ability to recall dates and information was like nothing I had witnessed before. Scott knew about every clan, be it Irish or Scottish.

Scott was willing to spend time with anyone who was looking for their heritage no matter how long that took. I have never met a man so passionate and generous with his time. When I heard of Scott’s passing, I felt such a terrible loss, not only for myself but for our amazing valley. Scott had dedicated his life to educate others; it was his passion, his mission, his life. Scott will be deeply missed, and I am certain that no one will be able to fill his shoes – it’s just not possible.

Enjoy the piping of Scott Peden:

More about Scott Peden:

Santa Cruz Sentinel with Ryan Masters:

Nature Outside with Steven Stolper:

Hilltromper Santa Cruz with Jeremy Lin:

Sempervirens Fund Tribute to Scott Peden:

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