february astrologyAstrology Columns 

February Skies Celebrate Bonds of Friendship and Love

By Catie Cadge, PhD

February is the time of the year we turn to Venus; love, romance, and relationship are on the table for many. Of course, February this year is not all roses and chocolate! We wrestle with the ongoing pandemic, winter cold, and now this year even a wildfire in Big Sur. So much happening as America as a nation faces its Pluto Return. The Pluto Return happens every 248 years as Pluto makes its way back to the exact degree Pluto was located when the country was “born” in 1776. 

An evolutionary astrologer, I place my energies into helping people see their own unique chart and journey. I write this column by approaching the celestial weather with advice for individual reflection and growth. But one can’t help but notice the obvious Plutonian times our country is facing with climate change, political and social division, and a breakdown of so much of our American lifestyle under the hardships of a global pandemic. The good news? Pluto is like the phoenix. The planet wipes away the old to bring about a new beginning, a stronger and better nation, and, hopefully, a future supportive of all people and creatures around the world. 

How do we all contribute to such a move for positive change? Through our work with others, the dance we do, day in and day out, with our most intimate partners, our friends and business associates, our artistic collaborators, our “partners in crime.” How best to do this sacred dance? Who takes center stage in our own life journey? How do we choose? Enter Venus, planet of love and relationship (along with creativity and aesthetic sensibilities). At the end of January, Venus in Capricorn finally stationed direct after a six-week retrograde period. Last month we experienced an introspective time about what relationships work for us and what our soul seeks (this may have expressed itself for some as a reevaluation of money and our resources, or as a reflection about the artistic process). 

Now Venus moves boldly ahead in Capricorn and we long for a great work in our lives in terms of the people we choose and who best serves our growth in the relationship dance. Time to make it real and commit. When it comes to money and security, now we build structures that endure and can work. Venus asks us to use discrimination, find relationships worthy of the work and that feed your heart and soul. Love takes discipline and it requires patience and wise choice. 

On February 3rd, Mercury turns direct at 24°23’ Capricorn and then conjuncts Pluto February 11th at 27°17’. Normally, I would consider a Mercury conjunction a minor point. But the quick-moving planet is a trigger for the U.S. Pluto Return. A few days prior, on February 8th, Mars in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus at 11°01’. Mars is “out of bounds” at this time, at high declination, and thus carries an extra gumption in making things happen or acting forthright. This is not an impulsive energy. Rather bold in spirit. I expect we may see some upsets around current political “dramas” in Washington. For the rest of us, this trine provides a time to act and build upon our changing values and what we wish for the future.

On Valentine’s Day Mercury enters Aquarius, a time to celebrate each other’s unique soul and recognize our bonds of friendship and love but in ways that respect our freedom and personal space. On the 16th, the Full Moon occurs at 28°00’ Leo at 8:56 am PST, while Mars and Venus are conjunct at 16°58’ and 16°57’Capricorn. What a powerful morning to express our love and our generous spirit as passions fly. Also, we may be feeling it is time to build something lasting and grounded. 

February 18th, we begin Pisces season as the Sun moves into the emotional water sign of the fishes. With Jupiter and Neptune both in Pisces now, we will have a lot to talk about in March! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

Catie Cadge is a master-certified Evolutionary Astrologer and is the Dean of Instruction for the Forrest Center for Evolutionary Astrology. Read about Catie and her work at caraevolutionaryastrology.com

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