Catie Cade AstrologyAstrology Columns 

Cosmic Weather Report for February 2021

By Catie Cadge

Welcome to the Santa Cruz Cosmic Weather Report – Evolutionary Astrology of the moment, your moment in time, our collective moment of change!

We so often think of February as THE month for romantic love, and this month astrology underscores cupid’s theme! Winter blues leave us desiring spring’s arrival. Valentine’s Day comes around to cheer us up with roses, chocolates, and, hopefully, lots of warm hugs and kisses.

Venus, the planet of love, relationship, and the arts, enters Aquarius bright and early the morning of February 1st. She joins the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn this Aquarian season. Close to the Sun, Venus is quick-moving, typically acting as a “trigger” for the impact of slower-orbiting planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn I covered last month.

Venus conjuncts Saturn the evening of Friday (Venus’ day!), February 5th, a great time for making a serious commitment to relationship. Ask yourself in what ways do I need to mature in my attitudes toward, and desires for, loving partnership? The morning of the New Moon in Aquarius, 23˚17’, February 11th, Venus meets up with Jupiter at 12˚. What a hopeful time of new romance; joyful times of pleasure abound! Just watch out and don’t eat too many bon bons and avoid spending too much on over-the-top trinkets or gifts. This New Moon holds a lot of potential; plant new seeds in your heart and ask how have I been underestimating myself in love?

Mercury, now retrograde, and Venus conjunct the evening of the 12th. The perceived backward motion of Mercury allows us a time to reflect upon our past. Old loves may enter our lives again this month. We may be in a position to reevaluate how these past relationships had meaning and value in our lives. They helped us to grow into who we are now in our cosmic dance with the other. On Valentine’s Day itself, in the afternoon, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter. A perfect time to talk about love! But be wary and watch your words…share your thoughts and feelings, but realize some of what you (or your lover) say may reflect more the past, the pains and challenges of where love has taken you both over the years. Try to remember the connection you long for now. The conjunction happens in Aquarius, so freedom and respect for what makes you and your partner unique, need to be recognized. Most of all, love must be between mutual friends!

Saturn makes a square to Uranus in Taurus, exact the morning of February 17th and later in the year on June 14th and December 24th. On a global level, this transit resembles the passage of Uranus through Taurus in the 1930s, following the Great Depression. The Covid pandemic has caused dire food shortages and financial insecurity, and, of course, the awful tragic loss of life. Saturn, at ninety degrees, puts up further blockage and challenges us as we enter a new Aquarian time when our cultural values and norms must change for our collective survival. The square occurs at 7˚, so it impacts especially early degrees of fixed, earth and air signs in your chart. Somewhere in our lives (consider the house location of early Taurus) we are awakening to what resources are most important to us and what supports our own self-worth.

Later in the month, Sun and Venus move into Pisces. We begin the season of the water sign of compassion, the higher octave of love! Pisces is co-ruled by the planet Jupiter. Let’s hope some of the abundant love promised for Valentine’s Day carries into the last days of February. Mercury stations direct the afternoon of February 20th at 11˚ Aquarius. The insights that surfaced on Valentine’s Day, our ideas about our relationship needs and how we communicate them, stir our hearts again. Talk, talk, talk and be aware of the light bulb ideas you gather now! They lead us to the Full Moon in Virgo, February 27th, at 8˚57’, the perfect time to manifest, with a critical and discerning heart, how we might best serve our lovers and close friends. We, in turn, can harvest the love we deserve and seek.

Happy Valentine’s Day. Wishing you all much joy and love!

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