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California Monarch And Pollinator Habitat Project Approved

The Ben Lomond Village Alliance (BLVA) California Monarch And Pollinator Habitat Kit project has been accepted into the Pollinator Habitat Monarch Conservation program through the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation in Sacramento. Out of 200 applicants, the BLVA project was chosen and the plants will be installed at Ben Lomond County Park on Mill Street as part of an ongoing revitalization effort. Project lead Kym Morello said, “This project is a significant step in beautifying downtown Ben Lomond and allowing people to learn more about native and beneficial pollinators.” 

Monarch butterflies will soon be drawn to Ben Lomond Park. (Credit: Joshua Cotten)

According to the Xerces Society, bee and butterfly populations are in decline in California. “The population of western monarch butterflies has declined 95% since the 1980s due to a variety of reasons, including habitat loss and degradation, pesticides, and climate change.” Pollinator kits are available to qualified applicants “to create or enhance monarch and pollinator habitat on working lands, public lands, tribal lands and private/non-working lands recovering from wildfires, with landowner or land manager collaboration.” Learn more:

The BLVA will be receiving the “Hedgerow Kit,” which contains 90 climate-smart, native pollinator-friendly wildflowers, grasses, sedges, and shrubs. The kit will arrive on October 23, 2024 to be prepared and planted on October 26. Kim said, “The sprinkler lines are already being evaluated and ready for repairs and extensions.” Margaret Ingram, the Volunteer Coordinator for Santa Cruz County Parks, requested another park volunteer day to help spread mulch in preparation. Project co-lead Molly Cokely said, “This is going to be a BIG lift of beautification for our little village.” 

Follow the Ben Lomond Village Alliance on Facebook to learn how you can help. @benlomondvillagealliance 


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