Be a River Hero: Join the Annual Clean Up September 21
The 38th Annual River & Road Clean Up is coming this Saturday, September 21st! Trash and junk have built up along the San Lorenzo River and its tributaries, so plan to join the 38th Annual SLV River & Road Clean Up on Saturday, September 21 at locations throughout the San Lorenzo Valley.
Organized by The Valley Women’s Club (VWC) in conjunction with Save Our Shores (SOS), participants can come to Boulder Creek, Ben Lomond, or Felton to check in, gather trash and recyclables, and bring them back there. Lompico Community Center will hold its annual Clean Up with SOS at the same time. Each organization emphasizes the link between the health of the San Lorenzo River Watershed and the health of Monterey Bay and the Ocean.
The Cleanup is an annual event with a rich history rooted in community involvement and environmental stewardship. Initiated by the Valley Women’s Club in the 1980s, the event was created to address the growing problem of litter and pollution in the San Lorenzo River and along the roads that run through the Valley. Over the years, the event has expanded to include the entire San Lorenzo River watershed and various tributaries, focusing on removing trash that can harm wildlife, pollute water sources, and degrade the natural beauty of the area. Over the decades, the impact of the Cleanup has been significant. Thousands of pounds of trash, ranging from small litter to large debris, have been removed from the river and roadsides.
From its inception, the River & Road Cleanup has relied heavily on local volunteers. Each year, hundreds of volunteers, including families, school groups, businesses, and environmental enthusiasts, come together to participate. The event is held in September to coincide with California Coastal Cleanup Day, which is part of a larger, statewide effort to keep California’s waterways clean.

Kay Crehore and Alison Lindberg bringing in one of their loads of materials to the Felton site at Covered Bridge Park | Brackin Andrews
Clean Up Details
Thanks to the generosity of Brandon and Erin Parker, owners of THE MAT Boulder Creek Laundry (12890 Hwy 9), the traditional Boulder Creek check-in site behind the Laundry remains the same. In Ben Lomond, look for a NEW location alongside Ben Lomond County Park on Mill Street. In Felton, come to the Covered Bridge Park on Graham Hill Rd. Check in at all sites is 9am. Save Our Shores and VWC volunteers will staff the SLV sign-in/weigh-in stations, provide trash bags and latex gloves, and suggest cleanup locations.
Safety is paramount during the Clean Up. Volunteers must sign a waiver of liability (fill it out when you come or ahead of time at the Children 12 and under must be with an adult. Anyone working along the river or a creek must have a buddy. Bring gloves and wear sturdy shoes and readily visible clothing. Large signs warning drivers will be posted along Clean Up routes, and safety vests will be available.
Students can earn required Community Service credit for their work hours with forms provided on site.
The County of Santa Cruz supports the SLV River & Road Clean Up by providing a truck and driver to haul recyclables and trash to the Ben Lomond Transfer Station for free disposal. Volunteers are encouraged to bring cars and trucks to help load and transport materials to the three pick-up points and are encouraged to enlist family and friends.
If you know of a place needing special attention this year or for additional information, please text or call VWC Environmental Committee Chair Nancy Macy at 831-/345-1555 or email
If you go

38th Annual River & Road Cleanup
Saturday, September 21 from 9am to noon. See locations below.
Check In
Boulder Creek behind The Mat 12890 Hwy 9
Ben Lomond at the County Park on Mill Street
Felton at Covered Bridge Park
Lompico at Lompico Park
Pre-register at
Featured photo: River & Road Cleanup in 2010: Matt O’Brien’s 6th grade class returning from cleanup sites. Photo by Mary Andersen
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