Astrp;pgu Leo Season ShinesAstrology Columns 

Astrology: Leo Season Shines

By Catie Cadge, PhD

Welcome to the Santa Cruz Cosmic Weather Report – Evolutionary Astrology of the moment, your moment in time, our collective moment of change! August, the heart of Leo season. Time to shine brightly like the hot summer Sun and radiate love with a generous heart and with self-expressive gusto! It is hard not to recall the great rock star musicians embodying the joy of a Leo Sun on stage – Jerry Garcia, Mick Jagger, Robert Plant – all born under the zodiacal sign of the lion. But this regal sign can reveal so much more than the proverbial performer on stage.

Leos often have a natural bearing of royalty. Their presence conveys a certain gravitas. But they must be seen, heard, and given applause. It feeds their feline juices. Leos, first and foremost, want to be cherished for the gifts they bring to the table. Collectively, in summer, we all feel the urge to shine and revel in the warmth of the August Sun.

At the start of the month, both Sun and Mercury in Leo oppose Saturn, moving retrograde in Aquarius. Folks with planets or critical degrees in Aquarius may be feeling Saturn’s backward motion through the sign, reevaluating and restructuring who they are becoming in our “almost post-Covid” world. Meanwhile, Jupiter is also moving retrograde in late Aquarius, granting Aquarian types a chance to look at how they may be underestimating themselves so that by October, when the planet stations direct at 22°, they can claim positive opportunities to open new doors.

A New Moon in Leo occurs at 16°14’ early in the morning on August 8th. A few hours before, the Moon squares Uranus in Taurus and later in the evening, conjuncts Mercury. The whole day is ripe to plant intentions. How do we express our true, most creative, most authentic self? Do we have to change something old about ourselves, someplace where we are stuck in stubborn worn-out notions of things? What is it we truly value when it comes to sharing our heart? Our creative art? Our playful spirit? Venus in Virgo helps us discern and focus upon honing our skills. The planet opposes Neptune at 22° Pisces on August 9th, followed by Mercury opposing Jupiter on the 10th.  A great follow-up after the New Moon in Leo. Creative visions and dreams are active now.

These visions get more real and solid mid-month. First, on the 11th, Mercury cruises into Virgo, joining Mars already in the sign of the “master craftsperson,” while Venus trines Pluto in Capricorn before moving into Libra the 15th. Some of our creative projects may be transforming and gaining structure. Then on August 18th, Moon in Capricorn trines Virgo, Mars, and Mercury, creating a Grand Earth trine with Uranus in Taurus. Phew! Make projects something worth sinking your teeth into and accomplishing, perhaps by the Full Moon, early morning, August 22nd. This is the second Full Moon in Aquarius in 2021, happening at the very end of the sign at 29°37’. Known as the anaretic degree, the last degree suggests closure and/or a mastery of the sign, a final push to finish the Aquarius energy and make it manifest. The Moon also conjuncts Jupiter in the wee hours of the day. All followed by Sun entering Virgo, further underscoring a critical awareness in how we can fine-tune our skills, while tapping into the unique Aquarian part of ourselves striving for a better world, a humanitarian vision.

The last week of August, Libra Venus trines Aquarius Saturn on the 23rd. Both planets are strong in these signs and lend a time for fresh ideas and innovation along with supportive dialog exchanging creative inspiration with others, while Mercury, also very strong in Virgo, opposes Neptune in his favorite sign, Pisces. Our imaginations soar and cultivate a mind space where we can “think outside the box” for constructive change in how we relate or the creative endeavors we put forward. Finally, on the 29th, Mercury enters Libra, joining Venus in the air sign of harmony, balance and beauty. End of the summer is a fine time to seek out and negotiate with allies, knowing creativity and productive work flows best with the right partners!

Catie Cadge is a master-certified Evolutionary Astrologer and is the Dean of Instruction for the Forrest Center for Evolutionary Astrology. Read about Catie and her work at

Photo by Noorulabdeen Ahmad

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