Pisces february astrologyAstrology Columns 

A Fresh Perspective and an Open Mind

Welcome to February, Santa Cruz stargazers! The month opens with some exciting news about Jupiter, “King of the Gods.” The planet asks us to consider, “How have I been underestimating myself” in terms of some part of our life that needs a fresh perspective, an open mind, a curious heart and a willingness to see things differently. Jupiter has been in the sign Gemini since late May, 2024, and now, at the start of February, 2025, Jupiter retrograde is slowing down to stop in the sky February 4th in order to turn direct. This gives the big, gaseous planet plenty of time to marinate at 11° Gemini. 

Look to see where this degree falls in your own natal chart. Here you have an opportunity to think big, to expand and use your voice, your words, your ideas to move others through conversation, writing, or through your natural curiosity. Some people may go overboard and feel overcommitted. Have patience and try to see multiple sides. Use your own flexibility to make a difference. Think of the old Bob Dylan song, Tangled Up in Blue, “We always did feel the same. We just saw it from a different point of view…” 

Mars continues to move retrograde in Cancer until it stops in the sky and turns direct at 17°00’ February 23rd. The planet of action and assertion, defense and will power, is “out of bounds” at extreme declination all month. I can’t help but think of the low road of Cancer as insular, like a crab scurrying into its hole for protection, with excessive patriotism, a love for one’s home, shutting down to the outside world. “Out of bounds” creates a tendency to do things unconventionally and possibly excessively. With Mars, it may be aggressive action. Let’s hope on the national stage we don’t act with too much force a new administration’s immigration policy. But to turn back to each of us on an individual level, our feelings are strong now and we may need to nurture and support our closest loved ones. Some may act out and whine where whining might be necessary. Some may freeze up inside, “the only thing I knew what to do, was keep on keepin’ on.” Let the care bear in you come out, but also comfort and heal yourself. Don’t forget you. And don’t take on everybody’s pain.

full moon astrology

The Full Moon occurs at 24°06’ Leo, February 12th at 5:53 am Pacific time. Mercury and the asteroid Ceres in late Aquarius conjunct the Sun and the Moon and Sun square Uranus at 23°20’ Taurus. If we cast the Full Moon chart for Santa Cruz, the Full Moon falls in the 7th house of relationship. This lunar time is good for reflecting upon what parts of us need to morph when it comes to personal freedom or being authentically “us” and yet cherish those we love and make them feel seen and appreciated? What brings us peace and what do we truly value when it comes to our relationships and our own unique path? “But all the while I was alone, the past was close behind. I’ve seen a lot of women, but she never escaped my mind.” 

Sun enters Pisces February 18th. In addition, north node of the Moon recently entered Pisces last month (south node in Virgo). Two ways to make the most out of Pisces season: let your mind unwind and feed your imagination. Seek creative visualization and dreamy states of contemplation. Then feel deeply and let your sense of compassion out. Collectively, the north node of the Moon is where the universe is asking us to strive forward. Take whatever skills and gifts we have (Virgo south node of service) and be the mystic in tune with a world in need of healing. 

The month ends with a New Moon in Pisces, 09°40’, February 27th, 4:44 pm Pacific time, square Jupiter moving faster now and ahead, 12°11’ Gemini. Set intentions to be that mystic visionary and open your mind and heart to other ways of seeing things. If words are needed, let them flow. “Pourin’ off of every page. Like it was written in my soul from me to you.” New Moon blessings!

Julie Horner is Co-Founder and Editor for the San Lorenzo Valley Post. Julie lives and works in Boulder Creek and is an active participant in the county's vibrant music scene. She loves the outdoors and is the go-to expert on Santa Cruz Mountains hiking trails.

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