Santa Cruz County government meetingsGovernment 

Public agency meetings May 23 – 29

Weekly Review May 23 – 29by Michael Lewis

By Michael Lewis

NOTE: In response to City and County orders to shelter in place, many meetings are  cancelled or teleconferenced. This Weekly Review features public meetings as of the time of publication, May 23 at 11:00 am. Meeting status changes will be updated as they are announced throughout the week, here on the Santa Cruz Online website.

County of Santa Cruz

The County Workforce Development Board will meet Wednesday, May 27 at 8:30 am by remote teleconference only. Click HERE for the agenda and instructions for public participation.

The County Hazardous Materials Advisory Commission meeting scheduled for Wednesday, May 27 is CANCELLED.

The County Planning Commission will meet Wednesday, May 27 at 9:30 am by remote teleconference. Click HERE for instructions on public participation. Click HERE for the agenda. Agenda items include:

  • Study Session to consider the proposed Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
  • Public Hearing to review and provide recommendation to the Board of Supervisors on proposed amendments to County Code regarding short-term vacation rental operations.

The Housing Authority of the County of Santa Cruz Board of Commissioners will meet Wednesday, May 27 at 11:30 am at the Housing Authority Offices, 2160 41st Avenue in Capitola. Click HERE for the agenda and instructions for public participation.

The County Commission on the Environment will meet Wednesday, May 27 at 5:00 pm by remote teleconference. Click HERE for the agenda and instructions for public participation.

The RTC Measure D Taxpayer Oversight Committee will meet Wednesday, May 27 at 6:00 pm by remote teleconference only. Click HERE for the agenda and instructions for public participation.

The RTC Budget and Administration/Personnel Committee will meet Thursday, May 28 at 9:00 am by remote teleconference only. Click HERE for the agenda and instructions for public participation.

Michael Lewis curates public agency meeting information at his Santa Cruz Online blog. The information on Santa Cruz Online is valid at the time of publication. Click HERE for additions, updates and corrections.

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