Board of Forestry and Fire Protection Remote Workshop Notice and Announcement


The Board of Forestry and Fire Protection (Board) conducted a workshop to discuss issues related to the 2021 update to the Fire Safe Regulations (14 CCR § 1270 et seq) on December 22, 2020. The workshop conducted an in-depth review of the proposed changes to the Fire Safe Regulations and solicited input from Board members, the public, and stakeholders within this process.

Members of the public, stakeholders, local and regional agencies, boards, tribes, and commissions were invited to participate in workshop discussions. Registration link:


Those requiring further information regarding this workshop notice may contact Eric Hedge, Regulations Program Manager, State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection, P.O. Box 944246, Sacramento, CA, 94244-2460, (916) 917-3170. This workshop notice is also available in electronic format on the Board’s webpage for such agendas at: Other workshop materials and sign up for webinars are available on the Board’s homepage at:


For the December 2020 Full Board, Committee and/or Workshop meetings, will be used to conduct the meetings over the Internet. Pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20, Board Members and Committee Members will be participating remotely. The public may observe, provide public comment during the public comment periods, and otherwise observe remotely in accordance with Bagley-Keene Open Meetings Act as described below. If the GoToWebinar teleconference is interrupted or terminated for any reason and cannot be restored quickly and without the loss of attendees and participating members, the meeting will be terminated and rescheduled. Board staff will address teleconference participants prior to Workshop business to provide guidance on meeting format and stakeholder participation via teleconference.

Figure 1 Participant View of GoToWebinar interface.

Submitting A Comment: During the meeting, all participants will be muted by the meeting organizer. Participants will have an option to submit a comment, either by writing your comment or by directly addressing the members verbally. To submit a written comment, type the text of the comment in the “Questions” pane of the GoToWebinar interface. To submit a comment by verbally addressing the members, select the “Raise Hand” icon on the left-hand side of the GoToWebinar interface. The meeting organizer will call you by name and unmute you so you can address the Board or Committee members. If you are commenting verbally, please be sure to unmute your phone or device. An example image of the GoToWebinar interface, with the “Raise Hand” icon and “Questions” pane in bold, is in Figure 1. For best audio quality, it is recommended meeting participants call in to the audio rather than using their coDRAFT   mputer audio. The audio information, including call-in number, access code, and PIN, can be found in participant’s registration confirmation email and in the “Audio” pane in the GoToWebinar interface.


Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals who, because of a disability,

need special assistance to attend or participate in a State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection workshop may request assistance at the Board Office, 1416 9th Street, Sacramento, CA. 95814 or by calling (916) 653-8007. Requests should be made one week in advance whenever possible. These facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities.

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