Astrology: Scorpio Season

Astrology: Scorpio Season

By Catie Cadge PhD

Scorpio season is a time for digging deep, revealing hidden truths and secrets. A practical application of astrology is to use moments in time and planetary activity to play the role of the “detective” and investigate our own subconscious mind and why we do what we do. What is our shadow work? Are there ways of understanding more fully the cosmic dance we do with others? What challenges do we have to true intimacy or what games do we play in the realm of sex, money, or power? These are questions we face with Scorpio. November is a month when we reflect upon what is taboo, about death and dying, about sexual intimacy, and about psychological transformation.

The sign of the scorpion desires to feel life to its fullest and, in the process, it can sting us with pain, but it can also transform. The low Scorpio road is feeding off of a desire for intensity of emotion by using tricks of jealousy, manipulation or power tripping. Wise advice is to simply watch and not allow temporary games of intrigue or control get to us. What do such actions really tell us about our own psychological garbage? Instead, use the gifts of the shaman to help expose the truth of such interpersonal games, when Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus at 17°03’ November 5th and squares Saturn in Aquarius 18°47’ on the 6th

Mars continues to move retrograde in late Gemini through the whole month of November. What house does the sign Gemini fall in your natal chart? Here you may encounter some obstacles, so use care in acting too abruptly, especially with language. A good use of this time is to try to see multiple perspectives on things, like the many faces of a cubist painting. Be open to fresh ideas and ways of imagining what you can make happen to build better rapport with others and still embrace the wonders of curiosity that make us thrive. 

This month we continue with eclipse season. A total lunar eclipse occurs November 8th, 3:02 am Pacific, at 16°01’Taurus. The Full Moon triggers the ongoing Saturn/Uranus square I wrote about last year, and this is still very much in effect. It also opposes Mercury, conjunct the Sun in Scorpio. Check to see where mid-Taurus falls in your natal chart. Total eclipses are powerful, six months before and six months after, especially if they conjunct natal planets for you. Here you may need to break free from stuck patterns – don’t allow yourself to just continue with routines because of conservative thinking or other peoples’ control issues. Others may want something from you, perhaps money, or they may try to manipulate you, but Saturn in Aquarius sets the stage to go your own way. Find your own way home! You have the right to be you! This eclipse says “wake up!” and change. 

Jupiter moves retrograde in late Pisces until November 23rd, when the great gaseous giant stations direct at 28°48’. Those folks with late degrees Pisces or very early Aries prominent in their natal chart (such as people with birthdays around March 18th to 22nd) should think big now and take chances; open doors for opportunities because you are worth it! Jupiter tends to move fast, but as the planet slows down and stations, it has greater gumption and a lust for life now! Jupiter is strong in the intuitive water sign of Pisces; create visions for your life. Both Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces jive nicely mid-month with planets in the shape-shifting, intuitive Scorpio. 

By mid-November, Venus and Mercury enter Sagittarius, the Sun joins them the 22nd. This lightens the cosmic mood for the holiday season. The New Moon at 1°38’ Sagittarius, 2:57 pm, on the 23rd, forms a lovely trine to Jupiter. Wherever the New Moon touches your own chart; here you need faith in yourself, your beliefs, and your desires. Plant a seed at this New Moon for the passion to reach new creative horizons and to manifest your dreams. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Welcome to the Santa Cruz Cosmic Weather Report – Evolutionary Astrology of the moment, your moment in time, our collective moment of change! Catie Cadge is Dean of the Forrest Center for Evolutionary Astrology. Classes and more information: Read about Catie and her work at


About The Author

Mary Andersen

Mary Andersen is a writer and photographer. She documents politics and culture and enjoys writing about the people and happenings of the Santa Cruz Mountains.

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