Column: MC Dwyer Columns Real Estate 

Pandemic Fueled Housing Market Frenzy Recedes

By M.C. Dwyer For the past few years, home sellers drove the market. Many homes sold for profitable premiums, leaving home buyers frustrated and battered by competition. In just the past few months, the pendulum is swinging back towards the center due to rapid economic changes: higher inflation and mortgage rates, and recession concerns. After the cost of home ownership… Read More
Column: Josh Reilly Columns Gardening 

The August Garden in Bloom

By  Josh Reilly In August the best place in the garden may be a big comfortable chair on a shady deck, with a good view of your Summer blooms. Penstemons, marigolds, petunias, some Salvias, some Begonias, and lots of Pelargoniums are blooming right now. Rudbeckia (black-eyed Susan), Echinacea (coneflower), and Canna are in full glory. Low-growing, varieties of Sedum (Stonecrop),… Read More