The Year Ahead

The Year Ahead

By Catie Cadge, PhD

Happy New Year, Santa Cruz stargazers! Every year at this time, I share some brief insights into the planetary energy in store for the year ahead. I’ll mention some exciting news happening in 2024 first, then sum up quickly the month of January. This year promises to bring us sudden opportunities for change that can help us find true peace, center ourselves better in our bodies and help to restore and heal our planet. Collectively, we are in a time now to see some remarkable technological innovations and more of a global effort to address climate change. On an individual level, each of us feels the changing sky in our personal journey depending upon our unique birth chart. 

The first noticeable shift will be Pluto’s reentry into the sign Aquarius, January 20th. Readers may recall I wrote about this change in sign for Pluto in early 2023. Here’s the scoop again in a nutshell: Pluto brings about great transformation but there is often a dark side. For the collective, we may see problems surface with AI or other forms of technology, as Aquarius is an air sign with an unconventional, innovative and futuristic edge. A constant theme will be how do we stay connected and fully human with one another when we live and operate in such a virtual world.

Then in April, a total solar eclipse occurs April 8th at 19°24’ Aries followed by Jupiter and Uranus coming together in the sky at 21°50’ Taurus on April 20th. “In orb” (range) throughout the spring, the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction sets the stage for growth or possible opportunity through sudden change of Uranus. Uranus can also be about radical thinking, genius ideas and shocking new discoveries. 

Taurus is about finding our creature comforts and stability, what we value, our resources and money, our relationship with nature and sustenance. It can also be about our creative side that helps calm us down and brings peace into our lives. With Jupiter and Uranus together in the sign of the bull, we may get sudden “wakeup calls” about how we can improve what it is we have and need in life. I am hoping this will be true on a global scale in fighting climate change. “Picture a bright blue ball just spinning, spinning free…It’s dizzying, the possibilities.”We might very well see some big climate change-related events happening this spring. Let’s hope for positive change.

One last look ahead: Jupiter enters Gemini May 25th. For readers born under the sign of the twins (and for those with important planetary placements or degrees in Gemini in your chart), 2024 is potentially an exciting time of expansion and opportunity. Allow your natural curiosity to explore new adventures and embrace multiple points of view on where your life can go! 

Finally, let’s take a quick look at this month’s main astrological events. Mercury stations direct at 22°11’ Sagittarius, January 1st, 7:07 pm Pacific time. Time to think big about where we can explore new frontiers in 2024. “The future’s here – we are it – we are on our own!” We can set down New Year’s resolutions with hope and dreams. Mars enters Capricorn January 4th, Mercury on January 13th. Again, we see a theme of planning strategy for 2024. What practical steps do we need to put into place to achieve our goals? 

The New Moon in Capricorn 20°44’, January 11th, 3:57 am trines Uranus in Taurus. Contemplate: what it is you want to manifest next April under the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction? Think big! But also use wisdom and strategy so you don’t take on too much and go overboard! What’s worth striving for? What is grand, but also realistic and doable?

Sun enters Aquarius January 20th, lining up with Pluto about to enter the sign. The Full Moon follows a few days later at 5°15’ Leo, 9:53 am on January 25th. Let your soul shine! Allow yourself to be seen and cherished for who you really are. This Full Moon sets the stage for the upcoming transformations of Pluto in early Aquarius. Roar with a big, generous Leo heart and be heard! Aquarius Pluto says “Someone’s got to turn the page!” Why not you?

Catie Cadge PhD Astrologist

Catie Cadge is Dean of the Forrest Center for Evolutionary Astrology. Classes and more information: Read about Catie and her work at

About The Author

Mary Andersen

Mary Andersen is a writer and photographer. She documents politics and culture and enjoys writing about the people and happenings of the Santa Cruz Mountains.

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