astrology april 2023Astrology Columns 

April Astrology: Ambitions Energized in Aries

By Catie Cadge

Springtime greetings, stargazers! April continues in Aries Season with the Full Moon in Libra at 16°07’ April 5th at 9:34 pm Pacific time. We have all been healing a part of ourselves in recent weeks and that involves being forthright in what we want and need. This Full Moon opposes slow-moving Chiron, the “wounded healer,” at 15°53’ Aries conjunct the Sun. Transiting Jupiter has been recently touching this very same part of your natal chart and asking you to take a chance on yourself. Did you follow through? This lunar time may throw light on your evolving dance with the “other,” the cosmic dance we do with partners. Listen to the words of Jerry Garcia and Robert Hunter, “Got it from the top, it’s nothing you can stop. Lord, you know they made a fine connection”! It can also be a good Full Moon for finding joy in art and music. A good time for restoring our inner balance through Libran pleasures of love and beauty.

The planet Pluto, which entered the sign Aquarius late last month for a brief period until mid-June, is forming a square to the current nodes of the Moon, south node at 4°Scorpio and north node at 4° Taurus, the whole month of April. The universe is suggesting we take a good, deep look at the psychological underpinnings of our tendencies to disconnect or seek freedom from others, which may not work well with our basic needs to calm down and find peace and comfort. The current position of the north node tells us about the collective moment, what humanity as a whole is striving for. We all are seeking ways to heal our planet and restore the natural world, associated with Taurus, but it takes technological change (Pluto in Aquarius) and our own wrestling with shadow work inside all of us (south node in Scorpio) to make things happen. 

Sun enters Taurus, early morning at 1:13 am, April 20th just following the hybrid total solar eclipse at 29°50’ Aries, 9:12 pm the night of the 19th. What a powerful New Moon at the anaretic (last) degree of the sign of the ram! Conjunct the north node of the Moon in early Taurus, this eclipse presents a moment for us to reflect upon where in our life we may need to come to defense of something we value or push ourselves to take a chance on what we know in our hearts will center us and bring us peace. 

The New Moon squares Pluto at 00°20’Aquarius. Some old structures are finally being let go of so you can push ahead into new horizons, new paths. This eclipse is most meaningful for readers who have planets or key placements in their chart at the very end or very beginning of zodiacal signs. Eclipses can usher in a time of significant change. Look again to see where the eclipse falls in your own natal chart. Plant seeds for a fresh start.

On April 21st, 1:34 am, mischief maker Mercury stations retrograde at 15°37’ Taurus. (Mercury’s “shadow” starts April 7th) As an evolutionary astrologer, my mission is to educate and awaken those around us, who perceive only of Mercury’s outer manifestation of misconnections, letters gone missing, or technical glitches in our lives. Though these can certainly happen, Mercury retrograde can mean so much more! In Taurus, we reevaluate, rethink and reimagine: What brings us comfort and how can we calm down and find inner peace? It may also manifest as concerns over our money and our resources. This is a good time to take stock of our financial picture, without yet taking action, until Mercury goes direct mid-May. Look to see where early to mid-Taurus falls in your own natal chart for guidance. Again, a line from They Love Each Other, a favorite song of mine: “When that ship comes in, you won’t know where it’s been. You got to try to see a little further!” April blessings, everyone!

Catie Cadge is Dean of the Forrest Center for Evolutionary Astrology. Classes and more information: Read about Catie and her work at

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